Chesterton Cirencester, Cotswold DC
Project Details
Client: Bathurst Development Limited
Project Summary
- Up to 2,150 new high quality homes
- A new 3 form entry primary school
- Sports pitches
- 100 acres public open space
- New formal play areas and a community building
PDI Activities & Achievements
- PDI was appointed in May 2015 to handle all political and media engagement activity for this high profile residential-led urban extension to Cirencester
- Secured planning permission in January 2018, in advance of the Local Plan and despite significant and mobilised local opposition
- Engagement and briefing of Local MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown before and after the application was determined by the planning committee
- Development of a user friendly project website, regularly accessed by the local community, providing a conduit for the sharing of information with the community
- Extensive pre determination engagement with Cotswold District Council and Cirencester Town Council including a site tour and Councillor briefings
- Leading on setting up a Community Management Trust and delivering the area masterplan consultation